JV Quotes
Political leaders understand warfare. They understand guns and bombs and weapons of mass destruction.
However Covid 19 provided an enemy that was unseen, unknown and unresearched.
Political leaders were left powerless, paralyzed and ignorant in our defence against Covid-19.
Covid 19 should be seen as a red light blinking, Gaia has begun to level the playing fields
We make the mistake of presuming the earth belongs to us and we are superior to
all other species.
In fact we are just one of millions of animals that inhabit this Planet.
Our challenge in the future is to find a way to live on a sustainable basis with all other
species that inhabit this Planet
Gaia is not concerned with saving a species
Gaia will save the planet and she will do this by reducing the numbers of human beings
Covid 19 is the first sign that this process is already underway
Answerable to No One
Except the Laws of Nature
The World is Waiting
For a New Direction
One Based
On the Laws of Nature